Tuesday, February 1, 2011

Forest of Reading

The students in Grades 3 to 8 have all been invited to join the Forest of Reading. It is a voluntary program that encourages and promotes Canadian literature. There have been many students that have come to the library to pick up their passports and books already. Ask your child if they are participating in the program. If not, make sure they come to see me as soon as possible to start. There is a minimum numbers of books that need to be read before 'voting' happens and students will need to collect signatures for each book read. Voting for 'favourites' will happen mid-April. Another thank you to the parent council who funds this program as well. If you need any more info, please email me at cynthia.mcgee@tdsb.on.ca
For more information about the program, check out the Ontario Library Association website link to Forest of Reading, http://www.accessola.com/ola/bins/content_page.asp?cid=92

Family Literacy Day

Our favourite story teller, Cheryl Thorton, came back to share her multicultural stories with us for Family Literacy day. The whole school experienced her dynamic and interactive presentations. Thanks to the parent council who funded this event! To learn more of Cheryl's talents, email me for the login and password for her website, StoryValues.

Book Fair

A huge but belated thank you to all volunteers for their help with the book fair. It was a huge success!!
We will be hosting one more book fair in the spring.