Monday, October 18, 2010

Fall into the Library!

We are up and running again in the library. There is a new system for student borrowers in Grades K-3. We now have bookbags! I have found that in the past 3 weeks of using them, there has been a marked increase in the number of kids remembering their books. Keep it up!
Only Grades K-3 get a formal library period this year but don't worry! Grades 4 through 8 are still welcome to come in anytime for borrowing, work and research. There are 2 homeroom times in the day - 8:50-9:10 and 2:59-3:15 when all are welcome to come and exchange. And don't forget about recess - the schedule is as follows:

Mondays - Gr 1 and 2
Tuesdays - Gr 3 and 4
Wednesdays - Gr 5 and 6
Thursday and Friday AM recess - Gr 7 and 8
Get caught reading, LKS!